What's your map style?

Do you have favorite maps? When purchasing a map, what do you find attractive? What should you focus on when map collecting?

Here is a break-down of map attributes to be aware of...

What to do with this information?

Look at your favorite maps, the ones that really inspire you. The ones you could look at over and over...

What attracts you? Compare the list above and be conscious as you look at the maps.

Now make a list of those things. Not everything may be important to you. If not, leave it off the list.

For example, I prefer maps with line, texture, and value. I like approximately letter-page maps with focal points and am more interested in history and culture than topography. You will probably notice this on maps I have chosen for this website. We each just have our own preferences.

But now that I am conscious of my preferences, I can better collect maps that are meaningful to me. I can also better express to map dealers what I am looking for...

I don't exclusively limit myself to all these points, but a map better have several of them to catch my attention.

Types of maps
Learn more about different types of maps. Maybe this list will help you discover your map style.