Map symbols for mountains by Erwin Raisz

Topographic relief, particularly mountains, have four important elements...

For decorative maps it is generally better to represent mountains with a profile, or side-view. Make the profiles relate the four elements above. Don't show every hill and valley. Don't worry about making each mountain perfectly in place.

Incorporate vertical exaggeration. In other words, make mountains taller and steeper than they really are. Humans are more sensitive to up and down of the landscape.

Here are some symbols from his book Principles of Cartography...

Erwin Raisz's map symbols for mountains

Notice that the mountain symbols can be made proportional in size to reflect relative elevation.

They are also able to capture slope by the visual steepness of the slope.

The texture can be represented by the density of the mountains.

Compare the above symbols to these more decorative symbols